Anti-dust | Anti-pollution | Anti-baterial

Anti-dust | Anti-pollution | Anti-baterial

Anti-dust | Anti-pollution | Anti-baterial
Kamsri Face Mask
6 – Layered Filtration System ( with 2 fused layers )
1. Reusable Premium Unisex Face Mask
Key Features
- Unisex style
- Lightweight and extra comfortable
- Comfortable fit for breathing & designed for wider face coverage
- Accommodates all facial movements
- Reusable – upto 35 washes
- Multi layered filtration system
- Adjustable nose clip for enhanced comfort
- Easy to use elastic ear loops
- Premium packaging for long term daily storage
- Fabric selected for easy breathing.
2. Reusable Unisex Cotton Face Mask
Users to note:
- Unisex style
- Extra comfortable fit for breathing
- Accommodates all facial movements
- Reusable - upto 40 washes
- Double layered filtration
- Easy to use flexible ear loops
- Premium packaging for long term daily storage
- Fabric selected for easy breathing
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